Unrelated to Oroville: Levee breach forces evacuation of Tyler Island in Delta

When I heard the emergency alert system break through on the radio I immediately thought this was related to Oroville....but it's not! This is a completely unrelated evacuation.

According to the Sacramento Bee

Sacramento County are advising residents in the Tyler Island area south of Walnut Grove to evacuate due to a levee breach, officials said Monday.

There are about 20 homes in the area, said Sacramento County Water Resources spokesman Matt Robinson. Tyler Island is protected by a ring levee.

On Saturday, crews lowered a portion of the ring levee on the McCormack-Williamson Tract north of Tyler Island to allow for controlled flooding. Officials said Sunday the tract appeared partially full.

Officials were concerned about a potential “flood pulse” bursting the McCormack-Williamson levee and sending a torrent of water downstream that would damage neighboring Staten and Tyler Islands.

Read more from the Sacramento Bee HERE

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