There's a job that will pay you to hang out with flamingos in the Bahamas

Photo: Getty

Calling ALL beach lovers.

I've found the job for you!

Baha Mar, which is a brand new $4.2 billion mega-resort in the Bahamas — is looking for a new CFO, but you don't need a MBA for this job, because the "F" here doesn't stand for finance. 

The new CFO will be the CHIEF FLAMINGO OFFICER. And this I am SO down with!! The CFO will be in charge of taking care of the resort's resident flock of flamingos.  The flamingos arrive this spring.

It's open to people from all countries and you must have a degree in zoology (or a related field) and at least five years of experience working with and caring for exotic birds.

How quickly can I go back to school? lol

If you think you have what it takes to be CFO, you can go to, click on the careers section at the bottom of the website and submit your application! 

You have from now until Feb. 28!

...either way I still want to visit this place!!

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